A FREE coloring book of these images and more is available for pick up at The William Brennan Courthouse, 583 Newark Ave. Weekdays 9-5pm. For more information on the artist, Richard LaRovere, go to richardlarovere.com
Bayonne, NJ
East Newark, NJ
Guttenberg, NJ
Harrison. NJ
Hoboken, NJ
Jersey City, NJ
Kearny, NJ
North Bergen, NJ
Secaucus, NJ
Union City, NJ
Weehawken, NJ
West New York, NJ
The ‘Old’ Bayonne Bridge Bayonne, NJ
Clark Thread Company Building East Newark, NJ
First Reformed Church Guttenberg, NJ
Red Bull Arena Harrison. NJ
Lackawanna Railroad Terminal Hoboken, NJ
William Brennan Courthouse Jersey City, NJ
The Old Schuyler Mansion Kearny, NJ
James J. Braddock Park North Bergen, NJ
Mutillod Nursery and ‘Castle’ Secaucus, NJ
Bergenline Ave. & 32nd Street Union City, NJ
Weehawken Water Tower Weehawken, NJ
Old Public School No. 4 West New York, NJ