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Hoboken Ice Cream Eating Contest
June 12, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Main Street Pops Market(Under Hoboken Viaduct @ 14th street)
When: June 12, 2022 from 11am – 4pm. Tickets on sale starting May 1.
The World’s largest Ice Cream Eating Contest by number of participants. 10 Hobokenites, every 20 minutes, will engage in a high-energy race to finish a pint, half-pint, or scoop of ice cream. Times will be recorded and winner announced end of day. Winner will receive the Coveted Golden Cone Trophy. Ticket sales will be donated to the Hoboken Family Alliance’s annual summer food drive. Contestants may buy tickets in advance below (recommended). There will be sessions exclusive to children under 10 and slots exclusively for families. Additional details/rules on the EventBrite page.
Is there anything for young kids or those that don’t want to compete?
Yes! There will be a sundae bar with scoops available at $4 scoop (donated to charity)
Can I volunteer?
Please help! Fill out this form.